Reflecting on 1000 Beyond: Lessons Learned and New Horizons

Reflecting on 1000 Beyond: Lessons Learned and New Horizons 

As the final sunset on our 100-day journey, marked the end of our extraordinary endeavour, a surge of emotions washed over me.
Crossing that finish line wasn't just the culmination of 1000 kilometres of running—it was a testament to the power of perseverance, faith, and community.

Throughout this whirlwind of a journey, there were moments of triumph and moments of struggle. From battling through injuries to navigating unexpected challenges, each step reinforced the truth of Philippians 4:13: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Indeed, with God at the center, the impossible becomes possible. 

Reflecting on the past 100 days, several key lessons stand out. 

I believe that the 1000 Beyond campaign has just begun, but here are some of my reflections as I conclude day 100 and 1000kms:

1. With God all things are possible - through injury, being hit by a car, being attacked by a dog, and beating all odds, God is able and He does a mighty work in and through us.

2. When you are doing things for a cause - things work out! 

3. Upon reflection, I would have brought a much bigger team in to help me - there is so much to do with this - it is not only running 10km a day: it is posting on social media, recording and editing videos (I recorded a devotion for each day), finding, phoning and following up with fundraisers, recovery of electrolytes, stretches, protein and rest for each day - this is a process in and of itself. This journey was almost a full-time job on its own. 

4. Never lose sight of the cause - the cause is what keeps you going! 

5. It was amazing to celebrate such an achievement with friends, family, and colleagues. We had such a nice final run and we literally witnessed a miracle!! The days leading up to day 100 were rainy, rainy, rainy, nonstop rain and even on the 9th April 2024, on the final day - the rain was pouring in the early hours of the morning with thunder and lightning. Nonetheless, I said - I AM RUNNING come rain or sunshine - and what was amazing was that my wife and I prayed and the closer and closer we got to running the final event - the sky started clearing up - so much so that the sun was reflecting on the puddles as we ran our 10km run. It was nothing short of a miracle! Crossing the finish line, all I could do was kneel and praise God! 

You cannot do something this big and important without support and good support. I praise God for everyone who donated to the cause, encouraged me, messaged me, prayed for me, and helped me along the way, and a massive shoutout to my amazing wife who was and is a pillar of strength! 

As I stand at the conclusion of this chapter, I am filled with gratitude—for the opportunity to make a difference, for the lessons learned along the way, and for the countless individuals who walked alongside me on this journey. But even as one chapter closes, another begins. 

The completion of the 1000 Beyond campaign signals not an end, but a new beginning. With nearly half of our fundraising goal achieved, there is still work to be done. As we look to the future, I am filled with anticipation and excitement for what lies ahead. What new challenges will we tackle? What greater heights will we reach? Only time will tell. 

But one thing remains certain: as long as there are causes worth fighting for, as long as hearts are willing to serve, the journey continues. So, here's to the next chapter, to new horizons, and to running the extra mile, one step at a time. 

16 Apr 24
by Dayne Smith, 1000 Beyond organizer, runner, and National Director of South Africa