Learn About TeachBeyond

We believe that education is an effective catalyst for bringing hope to individuals and positive transformation to communities.

We follow our Lord Jesus Christ by engaging with the needs of this world – physical, relational, and spiritual. Our teachers use their skills and contexts to bring Christ’s light and healing to all – children, adults, leaders, and mission workers alike.

We go. TeachBeyond recruits and sends Christian educators, administrators, and workers to serve in many different schools and organizations across the globe.

What we do. At TeachBeyond UK we feel that God has called us to not only be a sending country but also to be a global hub for countries wanting to send teachers.

We partner. TeachBeyond rarely works alone. We partner with groups, organizations, and institutions in pursuit of our mission.

In partnership with local organizations, TeachBeyond co-owns and supports a number of K-12 schools, English language learning programs, and projects.

TeachBeyond's Family

These are projects and schools that are owned or operated by the TeachBeyond national entity in their region.

Our History

Janz FamilyTeachBeyond was born on the western Canadian prairies in 1954, when Leo Janz committed himself to bringing the biblical message of hope to post-war Germany. Several members of his family joined him to create The Janz Brothers Gospel Association, which began broadcasting over Radio Luxembourg in 1955. News of the Association’s radio, church, music, and educational work spread to German-speaking communities in Europe. As opportunities grew, the original Janz Association established various national Janz organizations to serve needs in Europe and South America.

Today the founding association is known as TeachBeyond. Its primary emphasis is on educational initiatives, such as schools, English language camps, and professional seminars. The name TeachBeyond reflects the organisation’s commitment to teaching beyond one-dimensional, utilitarian forms of education to a comprehensive, holistic form of education. Watch a short video>>