Does God Really Know What He is Doing?

How does it all make sense? We may struggle to admit it, but these are familiar questions in our hearts. We struggle to trust God in every situation. Often though, God works through these confusing and mysterious ways to help us learn to trust Him.

Looking back, you can see God’s hand throughout Miss Z's journey from growing up in a spiritually dark Russia (Miss Z spent summers travelling city by city with a gospel drama troupe, seeing many people give their lives to Jesus!), to God-driven encounters with friends working abroad, to God’s "still small voice" guiding her heart towards third culture kids. As a result of these experiences and more, she has had the opportunity to work in many spiritually dark places around the world with third culture kids.

Now, in a classroom somewhere on the Asian Continent, Miss Z daily turns to God in trust. She knows that He is with her, and that He is a better teacher than she is! She also regularly has times of worship with her students. One day after worship, one of her students approached Miss Z and said ‘I want to give my life 100% to Jesus!’ Her passion has grown from just teaching, to helping her students know and trust in Jesus.

Perhaps one day, when those kids start to ask “does God really know what He is doing?” and “how does it all make sense?”, in their hearts they will look back at all His handiwork in their lives, and trust in Him.

14 Feb 24
by Michael Johnson