Grace Project Uganda

Beyond Borders partners with Heart for Global Grace Ministries and Grace Church in Mubende, Uganda. This refugee-led ministry desires to be a light in the community where they have sought refuge and to create a place for healing, learning, and peace to flourish.


The most pressing concerns for congregants are that children in their community have access to a quality, formal education and that teens and adults have pathways to employment. Currently, less than 25% of youth in the church community are enrolled in school because of gaps in their education, poverty, and other barriers. Without an education, they will have limited opportunities in the future.


Grace Church dreams of opening a private school of their own so that more children in the church and community can experience transformation through a Christ-centered education. In the meantime, Grace Church provides supportive community and educational programs at their church building.


If you would like to give a gift to support the development of educational programs for refugee students at the Grace Project, you can give on this page. If you would like to sponsor a specific Grace Project student for $35/month, click here to begin the sponsorship process.

Help provide for additional student needs at the Grace Project in Uganda so students can experience God’s transformational love.
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